Thursday, April 23, 2009

Intelligence Office Sources Confirms Ratko Mladic’s Life Also In Grave Danger By CIA

Intelligence Office Sources also confirm that Ratko Mladic’s life is also in grave danger

Jill Starr , bloomingdale: Apr 2 2009
United States :

Intelligence Office Sources also confirm that Ratko Mladic’s life is also in grave dangerIntelligence Office Sources also confirm that Ratko Mladic’s life is also in grave danger and it is in his best interest to remain at all costs away from the Hague until a full investigation is completed in the death of Slobodan Milosevic as well.

Sources confirm that a mryiad of local NJ doctors knowingly put Jill Starr on enough combination drugs to overdose herself knowing she was suicidal and depressed at that time.
Tags: emergency alert, mladic's life in grave danger from deaths associated with persons possessing evidence against nato leaders, jill starr, confirmation
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Jill Starr
1 Stars
Jill Starr members.fortunecity... Apr 2 2009
bloomingdale, United States
The evidence I possess is BEYOND ANY REASONABLE DOUBT at all that the Hague will kill those possessing evidence they can bring up in its standing cases that can cause international embarrassment to itself and its American and European allies such as Richard Holbrook and Bill Clinton etc.
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Jill Starr
1 Stars
Jill Starr members.fortunecity... Apr 2 2009
bloomingdale, United States
If Arnold Stark was not present that day at Ramapo Ridge when my blood pressure dropped to 62/90 (fatal levels), and if he was not well connected politically and had not complained strongly, the doctors were daily increasing the very medications that I was being given which were lowering my blood pressure at alarming rates daily.

For at least a week, Ramapo Ridge ws cognizant my blood pressure was becoming increasingly lower and lower, yet the doctors continued increasing that very medication that Ramapo Ridge very well knew I was allergic to because my former allergist family members worked there.

Archbishop John LoBue was well aware of this fact also as he came with ARnold Stark to visit along with another former doctor Dr Charlotte Piuck that were checking on my condition daily.